Place the rind face-up in a shallow oven tray lined with baking paper.
Brush the rind with oil and sprinkle with coarse salt.
Bake in the oven for 40 -50 minutes.
Caramel Spice:
In a frying pan over low heat, add castor sugar and allow to melt (do not stir, just gently swirl the pan until the sugar is a light amber colour and all the sugar has melted.
Pour the hot sugar onto a tray lined with baking paper and set aside to cool.
In a frying pan over a moderate heat, add coriander, sumac spice, salt and mustard seeds and fry for two to three minutes.
When the sugar has set, cover with a layer of baking paper and tap gently with a rolling pin until powder forms.
Mix the sugar powder with the cooled down spices.
Remove the crackling from the oven, drain the rendered fat and dry the crackling with paper towel.
Once cool, break the crackling into smaller pieces.
Season with the caramel spice and store in an airtight container.