Oven Baked Chops With A Spicy Sundried Tomato Pasta

- Eskort Lion Pork Chops
- 1 onion chopped
- 2 garlic cloves chopped
- 1 red chili chopped
- 1 C sundried tomatoes
- 2 C cream
- 400g raw pasta precooked
- 3 T olive oil
- 2 t salt
- Zest of one lemon
- Heat your oven to 190°C.
- Season the chops with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and salt.
- Add the chops to the oven and bake them for 6-7 min.
- Heat a large frying pan over a moderate heat and add the remaining 2 T of olive oil.
- Fry the onions and garlic for 5 min and add the chilis with the sundried tomatoes.
- Add the cream and allow to simmer for another 5-8 min.
- Add your cooked pasta to the pan and stir the sauce through
- Thinly slice your pork chops and serve them on top of the paste with the lemon zest.