Eskort Recipes

Bacon And Mushroom Vol-Au-Vent With A Bordelaise Sauce

Lemon and Herb Chops with Baby Potatoes.

Oven Baked Chops With A Spicy Sundried Tomato Pasta

Braai Pork Chop with Cheesy Braai Broodjie
Savour the flavour of Eskort’s Braai Pork Chop with Cheesy Braai Broodjie recipe. Featuring tangy lemon and sweet maple glazed Eskort Loin...

Bacon and Sage Shortbread

Bacon BBQ Sauce For Chicken Wings

Chilled Pea And Ham Soup With Goats Cheese Mousse

Cheesy Bacon Corn Dogs

Russian Sputnik

Loin Ribs, Braai Sarmie & Salad